JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah) is peer reviewed journal by Fakultas Syari'ah Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar. The journal is aimed at spreading the research results conducted by academicians, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Sharia. In particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited: Islamic Law/Sharia, Islamic Family Law, Islamic Economic Law, Islamic Constitutional Law, Islamic Criminal Law, and other Legal Studies. The journal is published periodically twice a year, i.e., every June (first edition) and December (second edition).
Journal title | JURIS (Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah) |
Initials | JURIS |
Abbreviation | JURIS (J. Ilm. Syariah) |
ISSN | 2580-2763 (online) and 1412-6109 (Print) |
Frequency | 2 issues per year |
DOI | prefix 10.31958 |
Editor-in-chief | Zainuddin, (Scopus ID: 57211573860), Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia |
Publisher | Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar |
Citation Analysis | Scopus | Sinta | DOAJ | Google Scholar |

Vol 24, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Rezky Munirah, Sudirman Karnay, Jeany Fatimah Maria, Kamaruddin Kamaruddin, Syamsul Darlis
Hariyanto Hariyanto, Muhammad Mutawalli Mukhlis, Daud Rismana
Hamza Abed Al-Karim Hammad