The author is not allowed to withdraw submitted or published manuscripts (unless there are compelling reasons), because the withdrawal is a waste of valuable resources that editors and reviewers spent a great deal of time processing submitted manuscripts and works invested by the publisher.
For authors who request the withdrawal of their articles, the authors will be charged a replacement fee of 200 USD for the review process which was paid upon the author's official withdrawal request via email sent to the Lughawiyah: Journal of Arabic Education and Linguistics editor using the same email address.
If the author ignores this, the editors of Pengabdian: Jurnal Abdimas will be forced to temporarily blacklist the author from the next publication of Lughawiyah: Journal of Arabic Education and Linguistics.
Authors must not assume that their manuscript has been withdrawn until they have received appropriate notification to this effect from the editorial office. Please contact [email protected] for the "Article withdrawal Form".However, it is unethical to withdraw a submitted or published manuscript from one journal if accepted by another journal.