Purwantiningsih Purwantiningsih
Analysis Of Radiation In The Operating Room From C-Arm Radiation By Thermoluminiscence Dose (TLD).Measurement of C-arm radiation exposure in the surgery room is very important to know the amount of radiation scattered, so that we can ascertain the amount of radiation received by the doctor, nurse or radiology operator in the room. C-armRadiation dose was meansured in the surgery room at Awal Bross Hospital, Bekasi, by using Thermoluminenscence Dosimeters. Radiation dose in the operation room was meansured at 12 points in the room and 1 point at the center of the room. From this study, the highest radiation dose is at the center of the room, 1,021 mSv. The maximum radiation dose at 1 meter from the center is 0,047 mSv and the minimum dose is 0,013 mSv. The maximum dose at 2 metrs from the center of the room is 0,039 mSv and the minimum dose is 0,028 mSv. This all result is still in dose limit value for one examination.
Radiation Exposure,Thermoluminiscence Dosimeter, C-armRadiation.
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