Application of Design Thinking in Building a Product Design Study Program Profile Website Using Content Management Site Wordpress

Khairunnisa Khairunnisa, Putra Lanova


ISI Padang Panjang product design study program still has many obstacles, one of which is that the community, prospective students, students and lecturers are still difficult to find real-time study program information and are still difficult to promote. Therefore, in order to keep up with technological developments, this study program is motivated to build a product design study program profile website by applying the design thinking method using CMS (Content Management Site) WordPress. The design thinking method is appropriate in this research because it is considered effective in overcoming challenges or problems and creating solutions based on user needs. Through the five stages of design thinking, namely, empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and testing, it can provide convenience for researchers in searching for data, analyzing and identifying a problem, validating the idea of building a product design study program website to make it easier for users to access information on study programs, lectures, lecturers, activities and products produced by students. This can be seen from user feedback conducted at the testing stage regarding the appearance of the website with good results by the wishes and needs of the Product Design study program.


Design Thinking; Website; CMS; Wordpress.

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