The Analysis of Blood Lead (Plumbum, Pb) Levels and Its Erythrocyte Morphology in Active Smokers

Marisa Marisa, Def Primal, Betti Rosita


Cigarettes are categorized as addictive substances with the highest toxicity to body’s tissues, resulting the hazardous complications in individuals and public health. It contains dangerous chemicals substances, such as carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar, ammonia, arsenic, cyanide, and lead (Pb). The main effect of these exposure, especially for the lead, is the intoxication of pulmonary tissues and decreasing of alveolar function through inhalation processes of smokers. It was reported at least 90% of these chemicals absorbed into the blood-streams and directly binds to erythrocyte and straightway disturbing the process of hemoglobin synthesis. This study analyzed the levels of lead (Pb) and erythrocyte morphology in active smokers among Motor Vehicle Weighing Implementation division (UPPKB) employees, in Kupang City. An analytic observational research method was obtained with cross-sectional design. We involved 15 respondents aged 20-40 years old with purposive sampling technique. Thereafter, beside the samples anamnesis had been examined, the blood sample were collected to analyze the erythrocyte morphology identifications with blood- smear analysis and the lead measurement with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). From the research findings, lead (Pb) levels in active smoker’s blood were identified have an abnormal level above threshold of 14 samples (93%), with the highest one was 58μg/dL. On erythrocyte morphology examination, it reveals most of the erythrocytes' size was macrocytic (80%), deformities (80%), basophilic stippling (20%), while all erythrocytes showed normochromic color. We believed that lead accumulation in blood positively affect the erythrocyte quality and its function, and the prohibition of the cigarette circumgyration should be emphasized.


electrical properties; DSSC Performance; Au nanoparticles; Four-point probe.

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