Analysis of the Nutritional value of Puyu fish (Anabas testudineus) and Acceptability of the Processing

Nurhamidah Nurhamidah, Widia Dara


There are two types of iron in food, heme and non-heme, heme is the main source of animal protein and has good availability for absorption by the body and quail has good protein. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of the nutritional value of Puyu Fish (Anabas testudineus) and the acceptability of the processing. The research design used experimental analysis using qualitative analysis with AAS and HPLC methods and organoleptic (hedonic) tests were carried out on 30 panelists who were tested statistically with the ANOVA test. Four treatments in this studies was obtained the highest carbohydrate in the steamed treatment was 18,039 grams and the highest protein in the dried treatment was 31,432. The fat content with the fried treatment was the highest (26,027 g) than the steamed treatment (3,897 g). The water content without treatment was the best value (67.20 g) than the dried treatment (9.48 g). Ash content was obtained 20,702 gr for dried treatment greater than untreatment (4,541 gr). The calcium value in the dried treatment (444.83 mc/gr) more than the fried treatment o(200.00 mc/gr). The highest levels of Zing (Zn) in the dried treatment (42.11g) and the vitamin A content of monitored fish was 457 RE. The organoleptic test showed that frying had the highest value of 3.5 in terms of aroma, while in terms of texture and the lowest value is dried was 1.8 in terms of taste. The statistical test showed not significant difference with a p value of <0.05.


Puyu fish (Anabas testudineus), analysis of nutritional value

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