Strategies and Techniques for Building Confidence When Public Speaking for Beginners
In this era, public speaking ability is a skill that a person must have. This ability is needed in academics, business, and other worlds. A public speaker with his role as an influence and benefit to listeners is required to appear convincing. All his words, appearance, and behavior could be an inspiration for his listeners. For this reason, the element of communication motivation must be inherent in a public speaker in order to avoid worries that make him doubt his abilities. However, for beginners, public speaking is something that is difficult to master, so you need to practice a lot and read several references related to strategies or techniques of public speaking itself, as explained in this article, which uses the Library Research method that aims to study texts, previous studies. related to the topic being discussed. The findings as an important point in this paper are that there are several strategies in public speaking, namely, Introduction to the Audience, Organizing material, Introduction to the place, and Physical appearance. Meanwhile, the techniques that beginners must master when public speaking are: Ice Breaking Technique and Vocal TechniqueKeyword: Communication, Non Verbal, Analysis, Animated Series
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