Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi dengan E-Comic Interaktif Kumbuah Meningkatkan Literasi di Kelas Inklusi

Yani Pinta, Sri Yanti


The low literacy level of students gave rise to the School Literacy Movement. The implementation of this literacy movement can be applied in inclusion classes in line with the implementation of differentiated learning. Raudhatul Jannah Payakumbuh Islamic High School is an inclusive school, with special needs student including speech impairments, hearing impairments, slow learners and autism. The implementation of learning in class still uses the same method for all students so that learning is not optimal for special needs student. This certainly affects the special needs student learning process and outcomes, including chemistry learning. One of the chemical literacy media in inclusion classes is the Kumbuah Interactive e-comic. Kumbuah Interactive E-Comic, interactive digital literacy media with the application of contextual learning based on local wisdom by introducing the Kumbuah plant as the origin of the name of the city of Payakumbuh. This research aims to determine the application of differentiated learning using the Kumbuah E-Comic media to increase literacy in inclusion classes. This research uses a quasi-experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest design. Learning outcome data was analyzed using N-Gain, data on learning interest and reading interest were analyzed using the percentage of implementation. The research results showed that the N-Gain value was 0.78 in the high category and the percentage of reading interest was 80%. This means that Kumbuah Interactive E-Comic media improves learning outcomes and interest in reading for students with special needs.


Literacy, Differentiation, Interactive E-Comic Kumbuah


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