Analisis Habits of Mind Siswa dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematis di SMPN 2 Tanjung Emas
This research was motivated by the importance of knowing the habits of mind of students in solving mathematical problems. But in reality students have low problem-solving abilities and are less accustomed to thinking intelligently (habits of mind). Therefore, this study aims to describe how students' habits of mind in solving mathematical problems. This type of research is qualitative with 3 students as research subjects selected with pusposive sampling techniques. The research instruments used are tests and interview guidelines. Data analysis techniques in this study are data reduction, presenting data and conclusions or verification. Data collection in this study was in the form of tests and interviews. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that students with high ability to solve problems have four indicators of habits of mind, namely persisting, thinking about thinking, thingking flexibly and applied past knowledge new situation. Students with moderate problem-solving skills have four indicators of habits of mind in themselves, but are still lacking in indicators of thinking about thinking, thinking flexibly and applied past knowledge new situation. Then students with low ability to solve problems lack indicators of determination, thinking about thinking, thinking flexibly and applied past knowledge new situation.
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