Development of Discovery Learning-Based Laboratory Instructions Integrated with Quranic Values for Senior High School Grade XI
This research is based on practicum guides used in schools using textbooks and worksheet (known as LKPD). However, in the package book and LKPD, the substances used are not available in schools. The substances available in schools are not in the guidelines in the package book and LKPD, so practicum cannot be carried out. The aim of this study is to produce a valid and practical Practicum Guide Based on the Discovery Learning Model Integrated with Qur'anic Verses at SMA N 1 Sungai Tarab. This research used Research and Development research methods with a 4-D development model (define, design, develop, and disseminate). But the stages of research with this 4-D model are only carried out from the first to the third stage, namely: the define, design, and develop stages, the results of the initial practicum guide designed followed by validity and practicality tests. Practicum guidance based on the Discovery Learning learning model integrated with verses of the Qur'an has met valid criteria with validation results obtained 87%. The discover-learning-based integrated practicum guide for Quranic verses has met practical criteria with the results of the student response questionnaire of 88.05% and the results of the teacher response questionnaire of 92.68%. The results of this study show that the practicum guide developed can be used as a learning resource for students.
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