Innovative Teaching Tools: Creating a Guided Inquiry Chemistry E-Module with FLIP PDF Support for Understanding Atom Developmentand the Periodic System of Elements
The purpose of this study was to determine the validity level of guided inquiry-based chemistry E-Modules assisted by flip pdf on the material of atomic development and periodic system of elements of class X MAN 2 Tanah Datar developed. This study used a Research and Development method. This development research procedure is adjusted to the stages contained in the 4 D models. These stages include: (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop and (4) disseminate. The E-Modul teaching material validation instrument was used to determine the validity of the E-Modul teaching materials developed. The practicality questionnaire of E-Modul teaching materials is used to determine the responses of teachers and students regarding practicality. The research data were analyzed with descriptive statistics to get average numbers and percentages. The Guided Inquiry-based Chemistry E-Module Aided by Flip Pdf developed by researchers discusses material about the development of atoms and the periodic system of class X IPA elements. The developed Chemistry E-Module was tested on students of class X IPA 11 at MAN 2 Tanah Datar. 2. The results of the practicality test of the Guided Inquiry-Based Chemistry E-Module Aided by Flip Pdf developed by researchers discussing material about the development of atoms and the periodic system of elements meet The percentage validity test results are 78.47%. Practical criteria based on the student response questionnaire with a percentage of 78.42% and based on the educator response questionnaire with a percentage of 80.35%.
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