Pengaruh Metode Mind Mapping dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Fisika
Physics learning results at SMA N 1 Sitiung show that they are still below average standards. This is because students' recording of material is still less effective, namely using traditional recording methods. Therefore, methods are needed to help students make more creative and effective notes. The mind mapping method can help students take notes more creatively and motivate students to actively participate in learning, which helps them understand the lesson material more easily. The aim of this research was to examine the effect of the mind mapping method on the physics learning outcomes of class XI students at SMA N 1 Sitiung in the cognitive and psychomotor domains. This type of research uses a nonequivalent pretest posttest control group design. Purposive sampling is the sampling technique used, the samples came from class XI Science 3 (experimental class) and class XI Science 4 (control class). Data collection techniques use pretest, posttest and mind mapping documentation results. The data analysis technique is analysis of pretest, posttest results and mind mapping skills analysis results. The final score for the experimental class was greater than the control class, the experimental and control classes had an average pretest score of 31.6 and 30.5 respectively, while the average posttest score was 91 and 62.6 respectively. Therefore, the research conclusion shows that the use of the mind mapping method can help class XI IPA students at SMA N 1 Sitiung learn more efficiently and improve learning outcomes
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