Pengembangan Media Booklet Kimia Berbasis SETS pada Kelas X SMA
A variety of actions have been made in the face of globalization problems in the 21st century, especially in aspects of education. This is not strangely we are tailored to the most important part of the nation's lives in the future of the progress of the community's intelligence. So in the world of government's interest seeking to apply various curriculum on the educational aspect in Indonesia, the 2013 curriculum. This curiosity of Indonesia wants students to become more independent in mastering the concept of learning and not only accept only, but involved actively seeking problems and finding answers from the problem itself, while teachers are only the guidance to achieve the objective of the learning optimally. To achieve this, then the teacher must use the learning media in the delivery of information that can be used to reveal the learning content. So researchers are interested in using print media as learning media in the form of booklet media that is almost a hurry by rapidly growing digital technology media. Through this booklet media can cause students 'attention and interest in understanding material transmitted with small and less thick book, the content of the main appearing is simply accompanied by the image in supporting students' understanding in learning. In order for the use of this booklet to run the maximum, it takes a learning approach is the sets to add a more fun and interesting learning atmosphere so that the students' obtained science is not forgotten. Where this research uses R & D research to obtain products and test the effectiveness of product development. Through the current MOBIOBER BOOKET-based media initiator researcher has data qualitative and quantitative analysis of product feasibility by validator 79.8% with valid criteria. While the test of the book-based book-based physician from the response questionnaire of 85.1% to 10 students with criteria is very practical, while from the response of the teacher's response obtained a percentage of 86.3% of its criteria is very practical.
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