Desain dan Uji Coba Modul Pembelajaran Kimia Berbasis Chemo Entrepreneurship (CEP) Pada Materi Koloid
The unavailability of contextualized teaching resources for chemistry learning, as well as a lack of student interest in entrepreneurship, prompted this research. 4-D development model was used in this research until the development step. The subjects of this research were a lecturer of media expert, a teacher of material expert, 2 Senior High School teachers for media practicality test, and 10 students at State Senior High School 4 Bagan Sinembah for knowing the responses to the developed module. The data collected in this research were collected in the forms of interview and questionnaire. Questionnaire data validity and questionnaire answer were the tools of collecting data. The obtained data were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. Based on the research findings, the percentages of media validation evaluation were 97,3% by the material expert and 97,8% by the media expert with very valid evaluation criteria, and the evaluation percentage was 96,7% for teacher practicality test with very practical criterion
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