Al-Kaaffah: Jurnal Konseling Integratif-Interkonektif receive literature research articles and field research articles in the focus and scope of the study:
1. Islamic Guidance and Counseling
2. Integrative Counseling
3. Creative Counseling
4. Multicultural Counseling
5. Impac Counseling
6. Indegeniuse Counseling
7. Comprehensive Counseling Program
8. Islamic Group Guidance
9. Islamic Group Counseling
10. Counseling Sufistic
11. Counseling in Education and Learning
12. Counseling in Community
13. Family Counseling
14. Assessment, Supervision and Evaluation in Counseling
15. Carier Counseling
16. Post Traumatic Counseling
17. E-Counseling
18. Research in Counseling