Peran Pendidikan Agama Islam terhadap Dekadensi Moral Anak dan Revitalisasi Keteladanan Guru di Era Global
In the current global era, moral decadence and revitalization of teacher as role models are two things that are starting to fade. This is a critical issue that must be addressed immediately because it affects the development of national generation and religion. Islamic education should play a significant role to solve the problem. The purpose of this study is to explain how Islamic education may contribute in restoring the children moral and teachers as models of behavior. This is a qualitative study which conducted interviews and library research to collect the data. Information was obtained from books and other scientific works, as well as information from other media such as internet that is relevant to the focus of the research. The findings of the study show that instilling moral education through Islamic education and integrating it into children’s lives may contribute to reestablishing moral, and teachers as role models have a big contribution to build the moral and character of young generation.
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