Al-Ghozali and Hasan Al Bashri’s Concept of Happiness to Improve Psychological Well Being
Humans have a goal to achieve happiness. But not all humans are able to achieve true happiness. Human behavior that can lead to true happiness by strengthening faith, piety, good deeds, etc. Al Ghazali gave the concept of how to achieve happiness by getting closer to God. In addition, the thoughts of the character Hasan Al Bashri also explain how to get happiness through zuhud, khauf and raja’. The purpose of this study was to compare how Al-Ghazali and Hasan Bashri’s concept of happiness improves psychological well-being. The research method uses literature, namely research conducted by collecting data or scientific works that are literary in nature. The results of the study show that happiness in al-Ghazali’s concept is divided into three: recognizing oneself, placing the heart as a leader, recognizing Allah so that one is able to reach the ma’rifat of Allah. Meanwhile, al Bahsri explains happiness through Sufism by way of zuhud’ raja and khauf. Cooperation to improve well being with self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, environmental mastery and life goals.
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