Financial Performance Level Analysis Model Bank Victoria Sharia Through The CAMEL, RGEC, And Z-Score Methods
Background. The COVID-19 pandemic peak from 2020 to 2021 has significantly impacted the global economy, including Islamic banks. Consequently, this event has sparked interest in researching the health of small-category banks in facing challenges and significant changes, such as PT Bank Victoria Syariah during that period.
Purpose .This study aims to examine the concrete impact and handling of these changes through an analysis of the Financial Performance Level focusing on Bank Victoria Syariah during the period from 2019 to 2021.
Method. The method used to obtain accurate results is quantitative research with secondary data. The methods employed include CAMEL, RGEC, and Z-score analyses.
Results. The research findings indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the financial performance of Bank Victoria Syariah was relatively poor. There is a need to evaluate the bank's management. This is evident from the low profitability component (ROA) generated based on CAMEL analysis. This situation is caused by the very high BOPO ratio based on RGEC, reflecting operational inefficiency and the accumulation of non-performing Finance (NPF). The impact is also evident in the low ROE, even turning negative, posing a risk to the management of Bank Victoria Syariah's financial assets. Z-score analysis indicates that the company is in serious financial difficulty. Consequently, the bank finds it challenging to maximize its efforts and faces difficulties in gaining customer trust, with the possibility of large-scale withdrawal of deposits due to a Reputation crisis.
Conclusion. As a result, the management of Bank Victoria Syariah is responsive to communicating necessary changes and concrete steps, improving operational efficiency and effectiveness, collaborate, involve employees in the recovery process, and establish cooperation with regulatory authorities.
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