Analysis of Personal Selling Strategy in an Effort to Increase the Number of Savings Customers at Bank KB Bukopin Syariah Bukittinggi Branch Office
Background. The main problem in this study is that the number of savings customers increased in 2023, which is quite high compared to the previous year.
Purpose. This study aims to analyze personal selling strategies in an effort to increase the number of savings customers at Bank KB Bukopin Syariah Bukittinggi Branch Office and the constraints of Bank KB Bukopin Syariah Bukittinggi Branch Office in increasing the number of customers.
Method. This research employs field research or field research types using descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques include documentation and interviews with employees of Bank KB Bukopin Syariah Branch Office Bukittinggi, as well as documentation in the form of written documents and photos. To ensure the validity of the data used, source triangulation is employed, cross-checking information from multiple different sources.
Results. The research findings indicate that Bank KB Bukopin Syariah Branch Office Bukittinggi has successfully implemented personal selling strategies to increase the number of savings account customers. These strategies include providing in-depth product understanding to customers, direct approaches to institutions, tailoring products to customer needs through interviews, offering immediate solutions and benefits to customers, gaining profits after offering savings products to potential customers, mastering savings products before addressing customer inquiries, offering special deals or rewards to enhance customer appeal, conducting follow-ups through visits and calls, organizing monthly training sessions, and evaluating personal selling performance every Friday. However, the bank faces internal challenges such as network limitations and a shortage of ATMs, as well as external challenges including location, facilities, and competition among banks, along with customer trust and comfort levels that make it difficult for them to switch to other banks..
Conclusion. Implementation of a personal selling strategy to increase the number of savings customers at Bank KB Bukopin Syariah Bukittinggi Branch Office includes various steps designed to achieve this goal.
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