Analysis of the Basic Sector as the Main Sector in Supporting the Community Economy in Jambi Province
Background. Sustainable economic development requires identifying economic sectors that are superior and have the potential to be developed. The agricultural sector, especially palm oil, rubber and coconut, is a leading sector in Jambi Province which makes a large contribution to GRDP and employment. By paying attention to the existing potential and challenges, to analyze the basic sectors in Jambi Province to understand the sectors that has a major contribution to regional economic growth and development potential in the future. It is hoped that this analysis can provide strategic recommendations for regional governments in planning and developing a more competitive and sustainable regional economy
Purpose. Analyze and identify leading economic sectors that have the greatest potential in driving economic growth in Jambi Province
Method. This research is a secondary data analysis method. The secondary data analysis method is a method of analyzing a problem or phenomenon using data that has been collected, processed, presented and reported by other parties. Secondary data collection methods are often referred to as the use of documentary materials. In this case the researcher does not directly conduct his own research but examines and utilizes data that has been produced by other parties.
Results. From the results of the analysis, it is included in the basic sector. There are 4 economic sectors whose sectors have SLQ values >
(greater) than 1, namely (A) the agricultural sector, (B) the mining and quarrying sector (E) the water supply, waste processing sector, and (P) the educational services sector. There are thirteen non-based sectors, namely these sectors have an LQ value < 1, namely (C) the processing industry sector, (D) the electricity and gas procurement sector, (F) the construction sector, (G) the wholesale and retail trade sector. car and motorbike repair, (H) transportation and warehousing sector, (I) accommodation and food and drink provision sector, (J) information and communication sector, (K) financial services and insurance sector, (L) real estate sector, (M.N ) corporate services sector, (O) government administration, defense and mandatory social security sectors, (Q) health services and social activities sector, (R.S.T.U) other services sectors.
Conclusion. The sectors that were the base sectors in 2000-2009 were the agricultural sector, the mining sector, the electricity, gas and clean water, transportation and communications sectors, as well as the services sector. Meanwhile, the sectors that are the base sectors for 2010-2021 are the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors, the mining and quarrying sector, the water supply and waste processing sector and the education services sector.
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