This research was conducted at the Regional Inspectorate Employees of Rokan Hulu Regency with the aim of testing the role of intrinsic motivation in mediating the effect of work life balance on job satisfaction. The population of the research conducted by the researcher was all employees of the Regional Inspectorate of Rohul Regency. The total population in the study was 70 people as well as the research sample (saturated sample). However, because the researcher is also part of the institution, it is reduced by one to 69 people who will be used as samples. The results of the analysis prove that at the Regional Inspectorate of Rokan Hulu Regency, the more effective the work life balance, the more likely it is to increase employee job satisfaction; Work life balance has a positive effect on intrinsic motivation; The rise and fall of employee intrinsic motivation has an effect on increasing or decreasing employee satisfaction; and Improved work life balance, accompanied by better employee intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction.
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