This research was conducted in Battalion B Pioneer of the Brimob Unit of the Riau Police with the aim of studying the effect of organizational justice on individual performance using LMX as a mediation. The research population carried out by the researchers were all members of the Mobile Brigade Battalion B Pioneer of the Riau Police Mobile Brigade Unit, amounting to 130 personnel, which at the same time will be used as samples. Analysis of the research data using descriptive statistics and verification analysis, as an analytical tool used Structural Equational Model which is processed with SmartPLS2 Software. The results of the analysis prove that organizational justice has a positive and significant effect on performance, organizational justice has a positive and significant effect on leader-member exchange, leader-member exchange has a positive and significant effect on performance, and there is a significant effect of organizational justice on personnel performance through leader-member exchange.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lukfi Nareri, Ririn Handayani, Adolf Bastian