The use of modern technology as a tool to facilitate online buying and selling activities is a profitable marketing strategy. In this digital era, many trade transactions are carried out through cyberspace (online or via the internet), so that between sellers and buyers are not limited by space and time. Buying and selling online includes aspects of muamalah which in principle is permissible (permissible), unless there are indicators that forbid it. The pillars and terms of buying and selling online also do not conflict with the pillars and requirements of the Islamic legal system of engagement. Online buying and selling transactions are unlawful if they contain unlawful elements, such as usury, gharar (fraud), danger, obscurity, harming the rights of others, coercion, and goods or services that are the object of the transaction are unclean objects, not lawful ones. such as khamr, carcasses, pigs, drugs, online gambling, and so on. Online buying and selling transactions contain aspects of benefits and benefits in the form of convenience and time efficiency. In classical fiqh, it is found that there is an agreement by scholars on buying and selling transactions through letters and intermediaries, so that online buying and selling can be analogous to buying and selling through letters or intermediaries as long as it is carried out on the basis of the principle of honesty and the principle of consensual (willingness) and fulfills the material requirements. So, the law of buying and selling online is allowed as long as the pillars and conditions are met, and no party is harmed in it.
Rahmat Syafe`i, Fiqh Muamalah, Bandung: Pustaka Setia, 2001
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