the terms of ownership of goods have been regulated much either in the qur’an or in the laws of our own country, but today there are many ways to acquire assets either directly or indirectly, and indirectly using virtual currency to exploit assets by exploiting the hot techonology. The terms of property ownership are therefore not permissible according to Islamic economic law or civil law and the azzas value of socialism (common) and not maximized with individual azaz. Because the profit that people make is only people those that have adequate expertise in obtaining the benefits or results from existing currency as well as the desires of humans or human desires in prossessing or leaning toward greater assets and also in the use of these assets can be one-sided and cannot be managed together or had together. As for the method used is research literature or (library research) with the syariah economical law analysis approach. The sum suggests that the currency’s proprietary sstatus by using virtual currency is entirely inexcusable of Gharar (Obscurity) and Maysir (Gambling) and still juvenile (ugliness) which arises from the way the acquisition of the estate by using the virtual currency
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