Li'an is a form of divorce that has different legal consequences from divorce in general, where li'an causes the husband and wife bond to break for good and the husband is free from the obligation to pay a living. This is as regulated in article 162 of the Compilation of Islamic Law. However, in deciding the case Number: 0213/Pdt.G/2015/PA.Bsk, the panel decided the divorce case for li'an with talak ba'in kubra and sentenced the Petitioner to pay mut'ah money in the amount of Rp. 50,000,000.00. This study aims to find out how the burden of giving mut'ah living in divorce cases is due to li'an. This study uses a library research research method (library research) with a qualitative and normative juridical approach, namely legal research that is shown and carried out by examining library materials or secondary data. The data processing technique used is normative descriptive data analysis and deductive conclusion drawing. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that in punishing the Petitioner to pay mut'ah money, the panel of judges categorizes divorce cases because this li'an is at the will of the husband and is a talak divorce so that the husband is obliged to pay mut'ah support for his divorced wife. This is based on Article 149 letter (a) and Article 158 of the Compilation of Islamic Law, Islamic law and in accordance with the provisions of positive law and the principles of justice and benefit.
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