The increasing prevalence of pornography shows that many teenagers are unable to contain their lust. Masturbation and masturbation are activities that are widely criticized. However, they think that masturbation is better than adultery. Not surprisingly, this behavior is increasingly symptomatic among teenagers. The act of masturbation is considered as one way for them to overcome / avoid direct adultery (having sex). Ibn Hazm Al-Zâhirî one of the scholars of the Zahiri school said that masturbation/masturbation is makruh and not sinful (lā Isma fihi). However, according to him, masturbation/masturbation can be forbidden because it destroys commendable ethics and nobility. Ibn Hazm Al-Zâhirî took the legal argument with one statement that it is permissible for a person to touch his own private parts with his left hand by ijmā' (agreement of all scholars). With that consideration, there is no addition to the mubāh law, except for the intentional release of sperm (at-Ta'ammud li Nuzul al-Maniy) while masturbating. This act is completely forbidden. Because the Word of God in the Qur'an Surah al-An'ām: 119, that Allah has explained what He has forbidden. While in the Qur'an there is no verse that states the prohibition of masturbation. Although in terms of moral ethics Ibn Hazm Al-Zâhirî also considers masturbation as an act that is not commendable.
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