The background of the problem is because many people experience limited economic costs, lack of understanding of procedures regarding marriage registration, far access to religious court institutions as well as the number of unregistered marriages and other reasons, this results in many unregistered marriages making the husbands the wife does not have proof of marriage in the form of a marriage certificate. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of marriage isbat based on Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 1991 Article 7. This research was conducted using library research which limited its activities to only library collection materials without the need for field research. The court and the Office of Religious Affairs in several sub-districts must make an effort to make it easier for married couples to conduct circuit courts. The implementation of itsbat marriage in the Religious Courts in terms of recording marriages is to take action to notify the public about the conditions needed to carry out the isbat and by providing an explanation of the procedures for the implementation of the marriage isbat. The legal consequences after the marriage certificate is issued by the religious court is to ensure legal certainty for married couples who do not have a marriage certificate, to facilitate the making of Birth Certificates, Family Cards, Passports and to prevent marriages that have been carried out by husbands with other women.
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