E-Commerce Information System Design Using SpringBoot Framework and PostgreSQL

Lidya Rahmi, Satriawan Syah


Advances in information technology, especially in the field of information technology, have become an integral part of our daily lives. The increasing volume and complexity of data affects almost all aspects of our activities, including education, sales, transportation, banking, and others. In a world filled with advanced technology, people expect speed and convenience in everything. Therefore, businesses need to design and build effective and reliable e-commerce information systems to meet the demands of an increasingly connected and digitalized market. In this research, e-commerce information systems are faced with the demand to efficiently manage various aspects of business such as product management, stock, transactions, delivery, and payment. RESTful web services are used as a solution to facilitate data exchange between various systems effectively by using SpringBoot Framework, which is chosen as an easily configurable and efficient framework. In addition, security and flexibility in data management were in focus, with PostgreSQL chosen as a database capable of dealing with large data volumes and providing a good level of security. By combining SpringBoot-based RESTful web services and the use of PostgreSQL database, the e-commerce information system can provide high performance, integrated, and secure, improving the user's shopping experience and building customer trust in the e-commerce platform used. The research method used by researchers in the design of this information system is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes planning, analysis, design and implementation.



E-commerce; SpringBoot Framework; PostgreSQL.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/js.v16i1.10480


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