Distribution of Electromagnetic Radiation on Television
Reskiyati Reskiyati, Anis Nisma Yanti, Sitti Rugayya, Kasman Kasman, Hosiana MD Labania, Badaruddin Badaruddin, Agung Danu Wijaya
Electromagnetic radiation on television has been analyzed. The aim is to create a radiation distribution pattern and compare the electromagnetic radiation of Tube television and LED television. In this study, radiation measurements using an electromagnetic radiation sensor. Radiation exposure dose measurements were carried out at 25 measurement points in the television room, namely 5 points each on the track and 1 point in the center of the radiation source. The data processing method uses Scilab to create radiation distribution patterns. The results of data processing showed that the largest radiation exposure dose was on line C (in front of television) for 60 minutes. The radiation value of Tube television is greater than the radiation value of LED television. The isodose contour shows the radiation exposure dose value of 0 at a distance of 2.5 m from the TV, which is the safe limit for watching.
Electromagnetic radiation; Tube television; LED television; Isodose contour; Scilab.
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