Spectrogram Analysis for Lovebird Voice Characterization Based on Age

Nia Maharika Andhini, Nabilla Ika Febiawati, Herliana Amanda Darmasanti, Denandra Ferliana Fauzan, Ancylla Gusti Nugraheni


Lovebirds are known to be energetic and active birds. The chirps produced by these birds are also known to be very melodious. This study aims to analyze the sound characterization of lovebirds of various age ranges such as the amplitude and frequency produced. The method used in this research is a qualitative analysis non-experiment. This research uses spectrogram analysis in the process of processing existing data. The results obtained in this study are the frequency values at the age of 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, and 7 months in a row, namely 3257.81 Hz, 3416.01 Hz, 3533.20 Hz, and 3937.50 Hz. In addition, the amplitude values obtained at the age of 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, and 7 months were 2.96 Pct FS, 2.99 Pct FS, 3.29 Pct FS, and 8.45 Pct FS, respectively. This shows that the increase in frequency and amplitude values is proportional to the increase in age. Then it is also obtained that the frequency value produced in the age range of one to seven months is in the range of 3000 Hz - 4000 Hz.


Characterization, Lovebird, Age, Frequency, Amplitude

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31958/js.v16i1.11087


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Copyright (c) 2024 Nia Maharika Andhini, Nabilla Ika Febiawati, Herliana Amanda Darmasanti, Denandra Ferliana Fauzan, Ancylla Gusti Nugraheni

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