The Addition of Beetroot (Beta Vulgaris L.) to Dawet Ayu Sappan Wood (Caesalpinia Sappan L.) as a Functional Drink Containing Anthocyanins

Tri Marta Fadhilah, Aulia Nurfadillah Utami, Amaliafani Puspitadewi, Aniadita Mutia Ermawan, Aracely Puspita Dariani


Dawet Ayu is a traditional drink made from rice flour, coconut milk, and brown sugar. Natural colors derived from suji plants are often used. We can make Dawet ayu into a functional drink with anthocyanin content using natural colors such as sappan wood and beetroot. We can use the benefit of this research as a reference that sappan wood and beetroot contain anthocyanin which acts as an antioxidant that is beneficial for health. We conducted the study to analyze the characteristics, acceptability, and anthocyanin levels of sappan wood dawet ayu with the addition of beetroot. The research design used was descriptive, experimental research that compared three groups with the addition of beetroot (50 g, 100 g, and 150 g). The research design used was a randomized block design. The results of statistical tests using the Friedman test showed that there were significant differences in the indicators of color, aroma, texture, and taste. The hedonic test obtained the highest public acceptance of sample P1 (50 grams of beetroot) with a taste score of 3.30 (like very much), color was 3.77 (like very much), the aroma was 3.58 (like very much), and texture was 3.48 (really like it), with the sample P3 (150 gr beetroot) of 23.14 mg/100g as the highest anthocyanin content. Sappan wood Dawet Ayu products with the addition of beetroot are acceptable in the community. The more addition of beetroot and sappan wood in the dawet ayu product, the higher the anthocyanin content.


Beetroot, Secang Wood, Dawet Ayu.

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