Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of Herbal Tea from Gambir Leaves (Uncaria gambir) with Different Drying Processes

Gusti Eva Tavita, Mega Sari Juane Sofiana, Asri Mulya Ashari, Rita Kurnia Apindiati, Lucky Hartanti, Warsidah warsidah


Recently, natural antioxidants have been explored to reduce the side effects of synthetic antioxidants. Plants from the Rubiaceae family have strong antioxidants and are widely used in food and cosmetic preparations. his study aims to determine gambir leaf herbal tea's physical-chemical characterization and antioxidant activity (Uncaria gambir) in different drying processes. The processing of drying is drying in direct sunlight and drying with an oven at 60oC for 7 hours. The physical-chemical characterizations are water and ash content, pH, and organoleptic of the herbal tea—the antioxidant activity of the herbal tea determination using the free radical scavenging method 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The characteristics compare with SNI 3836 of 2013. The herbal tea of Gambir with oven drying is the best yield (53.21%). The antioxidant activity (IC50) of herbal tea in direct sunlight and oven dryings are 122.44 ppm and 82.21 ppm, respectively.


Gambir leaves; Uncaria gambir; Drying; Antioxidants.

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