Ethnobotany of Plants as Traditional Food Additives by the Community in Sitellu Tali Urang Jehe Sub-District Pakpak Bharat District
Ethnobotany is a science that studies the relationship between humans and plants. This study aims to find out what types of plants are found and used as food additives traditionally, to find out which plant organs will be used as food additives traditionally, and to determine the cultural significance index/Cultural Significance Index (ICS) plants used as traditional Food Additives (BTP) in Sitellu Tali Urang Jehe District. This research is qualitative research and quantitative research. Qualitative research was carried out by calculating the presentation of plant species, and plant organs and calculating cultural interest index values, while qualitative research was carried out by participatory observation, where the researcher was involved in the informants' daily activities. The results of the study obtained 7 typical traditional plants used as food additives namely Rhinacanthus sp, Acmella oleracea (L.) R.K. Jansen, Curculigo sp, Zanthoxylum piperitum, Etlingera elatior J, Allium schoenoprasom and Solanum sp. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there are 26 plant species belonging to 13 families. Plant organs used in food additives are: Leaves 27%, Rhizomes 23,1%, Fruits 34,6%, Stems 3,8% and Tubers 11,5%. The calculation of the ICS value of shallot plants has the highest preference or importance value among other plants, namely 50, while cassava leaves and lime recipes have the lowest importance value among other plants, namely 4.
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Sainstek: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
ISSN 2085-8019 (print) | 2580-278x (online)
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