Validitas Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis Instagram Pada Materi Zat Adiktif Kelas VIII di MTsN 16 Tanah Datar
This research is motivated by the incompatibility of teaching materials developed by teachers in schools with the characteristics of students. There are a number of reasons for the discrepancy, for example, environment, geography, culture, and others. For this reason, self-developed teaching materials can be adapted to the characteristics of students as targets. Furthermore, the development of teaching materials must be able to answer or solve problems or difficulties in learning. There are a number of learning materials that are often difficult for students to understand or teachers find it difficult to explain. These difficulties may occur because the material is abstract, complicated, foreign, and so on. In addition, biology learning at MTsN 16 Tanah Datar has not yet fully implemented the 2013 curriculum, namely the student center, most teachers still apply the teacher center method, not only science learning, other subject teachers also still apply the same method. This is also due to the lack of new innovations or creative ideas to implement a learning activity in the classroom. Based on the above background, the author conducted a study to find a solution to this problem, namely by developing a biology learning module assisted by Instagram social media on addictive substances for class VIII at MTsN 16 Tanah Datar. This research is a development research using a 4-D development model. The development stage using the 4-D model has four stages, namely the definition stage, the design stage, the development stage, and the dissemination stage. However, in this study, the authors carried out to the development stage (develop). The instrument used in this study was a validation test sheet. Data analysis used descriptive analysis. Based on the research that has been done, a product is produced in the form of an Instragam-Based Learning Module. The results of the validation of the module obtained an average value of 85.15% which was categorized as very valid from the aspects of content feasibility, language use, presentation components, graphic components, instagram components, instagram information quality, service interaction quality. And the Instragam-Based Learning Module has been used for learning.
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