Pengaruh Self-Concept dan Self-Confidence Terhadap Kemampuan Berfikir Kreatif Matematis Siswa
This research is motivated by the low mathematical creative thinking ability of students in learning mathematics, seen in the field there are several things that affect this low creative thinking ability. One that is very prominent is the internal factors of the students themselves, where many students have low learning outcomes. Success in learning is also influenced by cognitive aspects such as the ability of partners, also influenced by affective aspects or attitudes. One of them is self- concept and self-confidence. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of self-concept and self-confidence on the mathematical creative thinking ability of class VII students at MTsN 7 Tanah Datar. The type of research used is Field Research (field research) with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were seventh grade students at MTsN 7 Tanah Datar in the 2021/2022 academic year. Sampling was done by Total Sampling technique. The instrument used is a test of mathematical creative thinking skills, a self-concept questionnaire, and a self-confidence questionnaire. The data analysis technique is multiple linear regression by looking at the coefficient of determination and testing the hypothesis after testing the classical assumptions. The results of this study using a significance level of 5% indicate that 1) self-concept has no significant effect on creative thinking abilities, 2) self-confidence has a significant effect on students' mathematical creative thinking abilities and 3) self-concept and self-confidence together have no significant effect. on the mathematical creative thinking ability of class VII students at MTsN 7 Tanah Datar.
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