Pengembangan Web Google Sites Dengan Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Phet Pada Materi Fluida Statis Kelas XI SMA/MA
Factors that affect the learning process in schools are the availability of teaching materials and learning media used. This causes the ability to understand concepts independently has not been achieved. Based on these problems, a research was conducted that aims to develop a web-based learning media google sites with the use of the PhET application in the learning of static fluid physics material that is valid and practical. This type of research is development research and research with the ADDIE research model (Analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate). In this study, the researcher used a validation instrument in the form of media validation which consisted of 3 validators, namely 2 lecturers and 1 teacher. Practical instrument in the form of a questionnaire response of educators and students who were tested on 27 students and 4 teachers. The results of the product validity have met the very valid criteria with a percentage of 86,61%. At the practical stage, the results of the teacher and student response questionnaires obtained a percentage of 97,67% and 84,00% with a very practical category. So the google sites web-based physics learning media with the use of PhET applications on static fluid meters can be said to be valid and practical to use.
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