The Correlation between Students' Personality and Their Speaking Ability
Speaking skills influence by many factor one of them is affective factors,that have a part namely personality. In this case the personality classified into two type namely extrovert and introvert. The aims of this study investigates the correlation between extrovert personality and introvert personality and students speaking ability at the students in English Teaching Department of IAIN Batusangkar in the fourth smester. Sampling techniques used in this study is Stratified Random Sampling with total of 55 samples, and they personality was determined by using quesionnaire made by researcher based on theory by Eysenck (1991) and Sharp (1980). Their speaking score based on they score in final examination at fourth smester held by the lecturer of English fo Simple Speech presentation class. This study is quantitative research with Correlation design. The personality and the students score were correlated by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The result of correlation testing reveals that there is no significant correlation between extrovert personality and their speaking ability r table more (0.18 <0,396), there is no correlation between introvert personality and speaking ability (-0.159<0.333), and there is no correlation between personality and speaking ability (-0.220<0,258).
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