Teachers' Strategies in Increasing Students' Motivation in Online English Learning at MTsN 6 Tanah Datar

Afri Yandi


The problem in this research is that most of the students at MTsN 6 Tanah Datar are more interested and enthusiastic in learning English online. This study aims to describe the strategies used by English teachers in increasing students’ motivation in learning English online.
This study used descriptive qualitative with the method of case study.. The data in this study were teachers’ strategies in increasing students’ motivation in online English learning. Sources of data in this study were the results of observations and interviews with several students at MTsN 6 Tanah Datar. This research was conducted at MTsN 6 Tanah Datar. The informants in this study were three English teachers at MTsN 6 Tanah Datar. The informants were selected using purposive sampling. In this study, the researcher used several theories to analyze the strategies used by English teachers in increasing student motivation in learning English online. El-Seoud et al (2015: 5) are used as the main theory. To test the validity of the research data, the researcher triangulated the results of the observations with the results of the interviews.
The results showed that there were several strategies used by English teachers in increasing student motivation in learning English online. The strategies include: giving video material, accepting students’ assignment anytime, giving concise and dense material, using learning games, giving praise/ reward, and evaluating learning process.

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