TEACHERS’ PROBLEMS IN CONDUCTING ONLINE TEACHING (A Case Study of English Teachers at SMPN 1 Batipuh, Tanah Datar Regency)



The problem in this study is that there are various problems in the implementation of online learning as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic felt by English teachers at SMPN 1 Batipuh. This study aims to describe the problems experienced by teachers in online learning at SMPN 1 Batipuh. This study used a descriptive case study design with a qualitative approach. In this research, the key instrument is the researcher himself. The data in this study were teacher problems and interview data sources from 2 English teachers at SMPN 1 Batipuh. They were selected as informants based on the problems experienced by the teacher during the implementation of online learning. Collecting data using interview techniques and assisted by interview guidelines. To test the validity of the data, the researcher conducted time triangulation by comparing the results of the first interview with the results of the second interview. Based on the data analysis, the research results show that there are 6 teacher problems in online learning at SMPN 1 Batipuh. These problems are (a) Problems with the internet network, (b) Teachers 'perceptions of students who skip learning, (c) Teachers' limitations in preparing learning materials, (d) Lack of student interest in learning, (e) Teachers do not believe in learning outcomes students, (f) Lack of interaction between teachers and students.

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