Students' Problems' in doing MicroTeaching during Covid 19 Pandemic
Abstract: This study aimed to find out students’ problems in doing Micro Teaching during Covid- 19 pandemic that were by the sixth semester students English department of IAIN Batusangkar. The method used in this study is a case study research and the main instrument in this research is the researcher herself. The informants in this study were 21 sixth semester students of English Department who had problems in online Micro Teaching courses. Informants were selected using purposive sampling technique. In collecting data, the researcher distributes a questionnaire using Google form. The techniques used in processing the data are transcribing the data, checking the data, coding the data, tabling and summarizing. From the results of the study, there are six types of problems in Micro Teaching during the Covid-19 period. The six problems are: 1) Students' failure in distance learning 2) Problems with the learning atmosphere in the online learning system 3) Lecturer readiness problems for online learning 4) limitedinternetpackages5)don’tfeelhowtoteach
6) limited movement when teaching
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