Community Empowerment Program Model In Creative Economy Development In Padang Pariaman Regency
Background. The development of the creative economy of a community is related to the model of program development patterns carried out by a region.
Purpose. The objectives to be achieved in this study based on the formulation of the problem above are: 1) To find out the Community Empowerment Program Model in Padang Pariaman Regency (One Event Nagari Activity Study); 2) To find out the Development of Creative Economy in Padang Pariaman Regency (Study of Nagari One Event Activities).
Method. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of in-depth interviews with the community, traditional leaders, implementers of creative economic activities, youth and the public who take part in activities carried out in nagari..
Results. The results of the study show that the program model for empowerment that is in accordance with current developments must start from the ideas and thoughts of the community according to the needs and capabilities of the community. The "mambasuik dari bumi" program model directs people to think creatively and innovatively to carry out activities that are able to run businesses according to their abilities and develop the community's economyKeywords
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