The aim of this research is to describe teachers' perceptions on the use of Canva application in supporting early childhood Arabic language learning. The method employed was a quantitative descriptive approach. Data were collected through online questionnaire. 20 teachers were selected as respondents using purposive sampling. Data analysis was conducted using quantitative descriptive analysis. The findings of this research indicate that the utilization of the Canva application can support early childhood Arabic language learning. Canva can serve as an effective alternative to improving the quality of Arabic language education for young children. The use of this application can support early childhood Arabic language learning and assist teachers in creating engaging and easily comprehensible learning materials. It’s because of Arabic language learning for young children requires a creative and innovative approach to make it easier for children to understand and absorb the lesson materials. One solution to enhance the effectiveness of Arabic language learning is by using digital technology, such as the Canva application. In the future, there is potential for similar research on other areas of education.
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