AN ANALYSIS OF AL-ASALIB AL-BALAGHIYAH AND ITS MEANING IN SURAH AL-FATH / تحليل الأساليب البلاغية ومعانيها في سورة الفتح

Fairuz Subakir Ahmad, Anita Nurjanah, Mohammad Ismail, Muhammad Wahyudi


This article aims to analyze the beautiful verses of Asālib Balāghiyyah  and its meaning in Surah Al-Fath, because Surah Al-Fath has Uslub which contains secrets and wisdom of the victory of Muslims, the forgiveness of Allah S.W.T, as well as the events of Bāi’u Ridwān and Shulhu-l-Hudaibiyyah, by using very beautiful languages and has a high mājaz value. Therefore, the writer wants to examine these asālib to study the peculiarities and meanings in them. This research used qualitative method by literature review data collection method with an analytical of balāghah. Therefore, this research began by collecting data from books and documentation. The results of this research state that there are 12 uslūb in Surah Al-Fath. There are 17 same verses with different uslūb, namely verses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27 and 29 consisting of 1 verse of Isti'ārah Makniyyah, 2 verses of Istiārah Tashrihiyyah, 1 verse of Tasybih Tamtsil, 1 verse of Kināyah, 3 verses of ltifath, 1 verse of Itnāb, 4 verses of Shiyaghul Mubālaghah, 1 verse of Ijazul Qashri , 2 verses Tibāqul Ījāz, 2 verses Tibāqus Sulbi, 4 verses Saja’, and 3 verses Muqābalah. The meanings of uslub are Al-Mubāya'ah, Al-Mu’āhadah, Ad-Dīn, Attaushīf, Al-Istihzā, Aliltifāt, At-Ta’kīd, Al-Mubālagah, Attasyrīf, Attargīb, Attadad, Attashdīq and Al-Muqābalah.


surah al-Fath, uslūb, balāghah, meanings.

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