Deviation of Qicblat Direction at Mosque/Musala in Deli Serdang District, North Sumatra
Qibla direction calibration is one of the ijtihadi efforts to maximize the order to face the Qibla, especially in the implementation of prayer services. The phenomenon of the direction of the mosque/mushalla building which is often not facing the Qibla is one of the proofs that the problem of facing the Qibla is not considered so important by the Muslim community, especially in Deli Serdang Regency. Because of that, breaking the ice about the meaning and understanding of facing the Qibla must be optimized supported by science and technology studies, one of which is by conducting research to check the accuracy of the Qibla direction, especially in Deli Serdang Regency. This research is seen from its kindfield (field research) and its nature is mixed (mix research) because the data obtained incount and then measure (quantitative) then look for information about who measured the Qibla direction in that place (qualitative). The findings obtained from this study are that the average Qibla direction of mosques/mushalla buildings in the city of Deli Serdang Regency has a deviation of 14 0 31 ‘20.51”. This research was conducted in order to maximize the prayer service orders in terms of facing the Qiblah both in syar’i and in applications in order to achieve the perfection of the prayers performed.
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