Mangabdi: Journal of Community Engagement in Religion, Social, and Humanities

Mangabdi: Journal of Community Engagement in Religion, Social, and Humanities is an academic journal published by Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar Indonesia and managed by the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab, and Dakwah. This journal aims to serve as a platform for the publication of research and community engagement activities focused on the fields of religion, social sciences, and humanities. Mangabdi Journal invites academics, researchers, practitioners, and other stakeholders to contribute high-quality and original articles. The topics covered include, but are not limited to, interdisciplinary studies on religious practices, interfaith interactions, and the role of religion in community development; analysis and solutions to social issues relevant to community development, such as poverty, education, health, and social welfare; and research exploring culture, history, arts, language, and literature as part of broader community development.

The journal is published biannually, with issues released in January-June and July-December, and follows a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and credibility of each published article. With a spirit of dedication and commitment to community development, Mangabdi Journal aims to make a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge and practice in the fields of religion, social sciences, and humanities.

Journal Homepage Image

Vol 1, No 2 (2024)

Table of Contents


Ahmad Salman Farid
Zulkiflih Zulkiflih, Fitria Fitria, Ardi Ardi, Basri Mahmud
Badrudeen Adesina Balogun, Mufutau Olusola Bello
Fadhilatul Khaira, Arina Ilfa Rusyda, Asrianti Resita Sari, Azra Sastya Johanda, Rania Amallya, Khalis Alfarizi, Nofrita Agustia, Siti Yohana, Nafa Dwi Apriliani, Irvan Putra Pratama, Zalnofri Zalnofri, Imam Maulana, Afdhal Afdhal
Novia Aspita Sari, Ilham Maulana, Silvi Rahayu Ningsih, Afdhal Dinil Haq, Firdaus Firdaus, Fitriyani Ramyana, Kasri Gunawan Fauzi, Mentari Ghea Annisa Putri, Mhd. Irsyad, Muhammad Abror Hakim, Reza Rahmajanida, Wardha Aziza, Zikra Salsabillah