Semiotic Mathematics Representation Ability Based on Symbolic in Solving SPLSV Problems in Class VII Students
Mathematical semiotic representation is the ability to analyze and express mathematical ideas or notions of a phenomenon and everyday problem situations into the form of signs, images, symbols, and symbols that represent them and provide meaning and explanation to a package of verbal sign messages. The symbolic stage is the stage where students have understood the symbols and concepts and have ideas that are strongly influenced by language and logic skills and students are able to manipulate symbols or symbols of a particular object. The purpose of this study was to determine the representation of symbolic-based mathematical semiotics in seventh grade students of MTS Al Barokah Ajung Jember on SPLSV material using qualitative descriptive method. The instrument used by researchers in the form of written test questions consisting of two questions tailored to the symbolic representation that has two indicators that use mathematical symbols to solve problems and interpret mathematical symbols. From the results of research that has been done obtained the error of representation on indicators using mathematical symbols to solve the problem of 100% and error of representation on indicators interpreting mathematical symbols of 0%. Several studies have been carried out to explain the mistakes that students make in representation skills. This paper presents the ability of mathematical symbolic semiotic representation of students who are more specific in solving SPLSV problems that can be considered by teachers in designing learning about the ability of mathematical semiotic representation and information for observers of mathematics education.
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